New York based broadcaster Doug Schulkind re-aired “Tell Me How Long Trane’s Been Gone” in 2007.
Doug is one of the more brilliant jazz hosts in the country and he has a strong following. Doug set up the documentary and got his listeners engaged in it.

Doug Schulkind at work
Here are some of their comments:
Show #3
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 10:55am
From: Pamela This has been beautiful. Why did you have to play this right before 11:00? When do I get to go to the bathroom?
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:02am
From: Doug Dear listeners, please keep the comments coming throughout the next hour. And don’t forget to email me comments about the documentary. I will forward them to the producer. Enjoy!
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:10am
From: Parq Well, here goes another hour’s productivity…
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:20am
From: Parq Sorry to hog the space, but listening to this Alabama section draws the Christopher Paul Curtis book for young people, “The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963” irresistably to mind. Everyone touched by the knowledge of what happened that day in Birmingham, whether or not you have school age children (but especially if you do) shold read this compelling, richly detailed novel.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:25am
From: Doug That Alabama passage with the MLK eulogy has been running in mind every since ’01 when I first heard this documentary. Coming up later in this segment, there is a fascinating overdubbing of a singer “performing” Coltrane’s poem on the Love Supreme record along with Coltrane playing the last section of A Love Supreme. Amazing stuff.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:31am
From: Dave in NC Doug…Drape a towel over your head and lean over a vintage radio while this documentary is on. Breathe deeply. Repeat weekly.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:35am
From: north guinea hills i’ve been traveling the last 2 fridays and have missed the first 2 parts. i just have to say that this doc. is devastatingly beautiful. thank you so much!
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:45am
From: liz french OMG OMG OMG–the numero uno DESERT ISLAND ALBUM: Hartman and Coltrane. I’m so happy to be hearing this doc. L.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:59am
From: Jaime the documentary is beautiful. thanks for playing it.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 11:59am
From: Dave in NC Like N. Guinea, I’m 2 installments late to the party. This is fantastic! I can’t understand why this is only the second time it has aired. This should be more available.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:02pm
From: Doug I will do everything I can to help the producer convince those who need to be convinced to allow this documentary to be released commercially. If the opportunity to rebroadcast it for the archive ever arises, I will run again so it can be archived for posterity. Your positive comments (emailed to me, and forwarded to the producer) may be helpful in this regard.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:02pm
From: Adrian, London That wa really enjoyable.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:04pm
From: north guinea hills pure joy
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:05pm
From: Pamela I loved the singer performing the poem…
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:05pm
From: Greg Doug, you are a superior programmer. I love your show, but this Coltrane show goes beyond good disk jockeying to a major public service. I can’t believe that this has not been broadcast regularly, or is not available on CD. Thanks so much!!
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:08pm
From: Jeromy I now perhaps understand a little more why it is often uncomfortable to listen to Coltrane’s music. I adore him but there is something truly beyond music alone that is going on. This is often in conflict with or simply at odds with a more mundane intention of “listening to some tune” His voice is rich indeed. His pursuit is universal.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:10pm
From: Doug I have been dying to hear this documentary again for six years. It is a deep and sublime pleasure to be able to share it with you.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:12pm
From: Pamela OK, wait, can you give me the full name? I want to send the refernce to my brother, who will also want to hear it.
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:18pm
From: north guinea hills what jeromy said
Fri Oct. 19, 2007 12:36pm
From: Doug The name of the doc is “Tell Me How Long Trane’s Been Gone.” Produced by Steve Rowland (who conducted the interviews over the course of more than 20 years) and written by Larry Abrams. For more info, go to and search for an email address for Steve Rowland.
From: Pamela I’m so sorry I’m going to miss the documentary. My boss boss is here today and will be in meetings all day. Get them to put it out!!! Hope you feel better.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:28am
From: Parq Those Hawaiian tracks have me sitting here trying to remember the name of that mid-80s air staffer who had lived in Hawaii for a time and specialized in trad Hawaiian music. She had long dark hair and glasses, and was on Saturday afternoons — occupying, I think, the slot on which Rex currently is seated. Anyone?
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:32am
From: HotRod Mmm…mmm…mmm mmm..mmmm…
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:51am
From: Dedalus Tuning in for the first time from Dublin, Ireland. Loving the show in work… will listen in again for sure. Warm regards. D.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:52am
From: Parq Doug, what kind of cap did they market to Mexican kids as a “Pancho Lopez hat”? Hey Dedalus, say hi to all at Road Records for me.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:53am
From: Doug Hey Hey Dedalus! Glad you’re here. Grab an oar and start rowing. Cheers, Doug
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 9:54am
From: Doug Parq, making it even stranger, those “Pancho Lopez” dudes were Brazilian.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:09am
From: Brandon yup, starting Friday off with some shrooms.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:09am
From: Jared this chjon nka catsin sounds like what i hear in my head all day long! now i dont feel so alone!
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:24am
From: Bad Ronald Mmmmmm, shrooms!
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:34am
From: Jared yeah! i needed to hear this sun ra. work was too dull without it.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:46am
From: frank tuning in from the lowcountry, Charleston, SC. Rainy day, here, but not dreaming it away, unfortunately….
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 10:55am
From: Joe Doug, your show is fantastic. I’m a recent convert drawn in by the Trane doc, but I love the breadth of your playlists. Thanks from Chicago!
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:06am
From: Josh Hi Doug, thanks for all the great music over the years. Do you know of a site that has more information on the Coltrane documentary?
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:09am
From: Doug Josh, the pleasure’s mine! Your best bet for more info on the documentary is which is the site run by the doc’s producer, Steve Rowland.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:11am
From: Rob Hey, I happen to have an office hour during this Coltrane documentary and I have loved it these past weeks. I recently read the book “The House that Trane Built” on the Impulse Records story so this is a great companion to that. Thanks, Rob Abita Springs, LA
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:12am
From: ray Gratitude and greetings from the Waterford/Kilkenny border country. You broadcast the medicine of light.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:24am
From: seanh Just getting deep into jazz recently, so this documentary is absolutely perfect. Absolutely brilliant, thanks doug. Picked up Love Supreme on vinyl a couple weeks ago, along with a couple Sun Ra records, but otherwise just barely dipped my toes into the jazz pool with some downloaded albums.
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:31am
From: Wes A Love Supreme is the Coltrane album I first bought, as well. Captain Beefheart turned me on to his work. This documentary is excellent, I’ve really enjoyed it as I’ve caught pieces here and there. Please publish the entire thing, producer man!
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:33am
From: Sun Ra ”weeeelllll, I was working on my space things, as usual.”
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 11:37am
From: Doug With my newborn daughter in my arms, I danced in the hospital to A Love Supreme. OK, gotta go. I’m starting to tear up again…
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 12:03pm
From: north guinea hills coltrane’s techniques and abstractions became fractals within themselves until they bifurcated and transcended all time space w/ pure love and joy
Fri Oct. 26, 2007 12:10pm
From: Brian Sanders Congratulations, Steve Rowland. You can hear the care & love that has gone into this doc. Just to hear all those voices; it deserves a wider audience. So…… Power to you Doug for letting us hear it.